Friday, 10 April 2015

Hollandia: The Best Pattiserie in Malmö

Hollandia is the oldest and considered as one of the best Patisserie in Malmö. First time I visited Hollandia, I (almost) ordered a 'whiskey' cake. Thankfully the staff told me about it. So I decided to order Passion Fruit Cake, which has been my favorite cake so far. First thing when you arrived, you must take your queuing number), wait until the staff call your number to order cakes. You also have to take your own cups, mineral water, and tissue (actually it's very normal in sweden).  
This place also offered several swedish cakes and cookies such as Kannebulle (Cinnamon Roll), Chokladboll, Kladdkaka, etc. They also sell seasonal cakes and cookies like Pepperkakor (Gingerbread) in Christmas and Strawberry Cake in Midsummer.

Swedish has this culture called Fika. This word originated from "back slang" or reversed word from Kaffi/Kaffe (Coffee). It's defined as an afternoon coffee accompanied by cakes or sandwiches. Fika is considered a social institution in Sweden, it means having a (coffee) break with one's colleagues, friends, date or family. Although it described as an afternoon coffee, Fika usually taking place twice a day, around 9 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.

Hollandia has the best place for Fika Culture. It's located at the city center surrounded between  famous shopping venues Triangeln and Gustav Adolfs Torg. It is good to enjoy your dessert after shopping around.

Extra Tables in front of Hollandia

In Summer, Hollandia will provide extra tables in front of the store, it always been crowded especially in the afternoon and weekends. In late Summer or early Fall and Spring, these extra tables will be equipped with simple blanket and small electric heater. 

For me and my friends, we enjoy our Fika at our hostel's park with our newest summer table provided by the University, with Chocolate Cake that we bought from Hollandia.

Cakes at Hollandia

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Coop Nära, The Swedish Alfa Mart

Meminjam istilah nya Kugy di Perahu Kertas, buat gw Coop Nara adalah tempat emergency Pemadam Kelaparan. Mulai dari beli cemilan-cemilan macam Delicatobol & Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Croissant + Susu buat sarapan, ato sekedar beli perlengkapan masak lupa dibeli di grocery store (semacam hypermart).

Istilah "Convenience" juga bener-bener dipegang. Namanya juga Corner Store / Convenience Store, letak Coop Nara ini selalu ada di lokasi strategis perempatan jalan dan ditengah pemukiman (apartemen). Like any other corner store, Coop Nara emang di desain untuk menjual 'daily items' semacam toilettries, jus & soft drinks, rokok, beberapa makanan beku, koran, dll. dan karena lokasinya yang deket ini makanya harga-harga barangnya dipatok lebih mahal dari toko-toko besar.

Konsep penempatan toko-toko disini juga sangat sesuai faedah. Convenience Store letaknya di pemukiman, sementara toko yang agak besar, ditempatin di jalan yang lebih besar, dan wholesale yang menjual barang-barang lebih murah dan lengkap ditempatin lebih jauh lagi. Nah...klo IKEA & MEDIAMARKT (Toko elektronik) ditempatin paling jauhhh... 

Coop Nara deket Hostel, cuma semenit jalan.

Monday, 6 April 2015

My Lazy Boy

Di hostel ini tiap kamar di siapin 3 jenis bangku. Dua kursi normal (buat duduk di depan meja kerja), dan satu kursi buat nyantai. Gw menyebutnya  lazy boy karena bentuknya yang pas banget buat leyeh-leyeh.

Gw ngeluarin bangku ini pas winter atau pas non-teaching period. Di musim dingin, bangku ini gw pake buat berkomputer ria pake 'IKEA Laptop Support', dengan posisi kaki bersila dan ditemenin selimut tebel. Kalo non-teaching period (alias liburan jangka pendek), bangku ini gw pake buat streaming nonton seharian (ato bahkan dua mingguan...hehe...).

Tapi kalo di waktu-waktu normal pas hectic kuliah, bangku ini gw simpan di pojok kamar ditemani tumpukan baju kotor dan atau baju yang belum sempet di setrika dan kalo ada temen dateng, tinggal gw tutup pake selimut deh.

-just an ordinary anak kosan-

Salam dari kamar 322 pasca Ujian, lengkap dengan lazy boy yang dihiasi tumpukan baju